SparkTalks | Nov. 16, 2023
SparkTalks - November 2023 Heading link

Igniting the thoughts and solutions of influential UIC changemakers to inspire and create a better world.
- 36 presenters
- 3-minute talks
- 2 hours of inspiration
Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023
1:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Student Services Building (SSB)
1200 W. Harrison St.
RSVP to Attend:
Please RSVP before Monday, Nov. 13, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.
Agenda Heading link
1:30 – 2:45 p.m. |
Chancellor's Welcome
SparkTalks Round 1 (See below for the order of presentations!) |
2:45 – 3:00 p.m | Break |
3:00 – 4:15 p.m. |
SparkTalks Round 2
Closing Remarks (See below for the order of presentations!) |
4:15 – 5:00 p.m. | Reception |
Order of Presentations Heading link
SparkTalks - Round 1
- Sam Dorevitch MD, MPH | Sola Maji: Sustainably Producing Safe Drinking Water with Communities in Kenya
- Jane Rhodes, PhD | From Racial Trauma to a Life of Healing: The Journey of a Black American Expatriate
- Maria Krysan, PhD | Disrupting the Cycle of Segregation: Folded Map, Don’t Go, and Other Adventures
- Wonhwa Cho, PhD | Cholesterol-targeting Cancer and Alzheimer Disease Drugs
- Thomas Searles, PhD | Quantum Engineering at UIC
- Max Berkelhammer, PhD | Climate Change in Your Neighborhood
- Katie Vanderzwan, DNP, APRN, CHSE | SimZones
- Sanjeev Vidyarthi, PhD | Advancing University-Community Partnerships via Community Engaged City Planning and Design Studios
- Amita Shetty | Break Through Tech Chicago More Than Doubles the Number of Women, Nonbinary Students in Computing Disciplines in Four Years at UIC
- Andrew Boyd, MD | Data Simplification to Improve Clinical Outcomes
- Natalie Parde, PhD | Sparking New Insights for Assessing Cognitive Health via Spoken Language
- Mark Dworkin, MD, MPHTM | Feasibility, Acceptability, and Efficacy of a Realistic Relational Human Avatar in a Mobile Phone App Designed to Promote Health in Persons Living with HIV: Research studies in the US and Early Study in India
- Andrea Vaughan, PhD | Transforming Chicago: Inspiring Hope, Sharing Knowledge, and Engaging Families
- Alexander Eisenschmidt, PhD | At Home with the Collective: An Architecture for Housing
- Joe Hoereth, PhD | The Urban Public Policy Fellows (UPPF) Program — Developing Civically Engaged Leaders
- Melissa Martin, PhD | Innovative Research in Management Accounting: Control Systems and Contracting
- Joseph Strickland, PhD | Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research’s Urban Scholars Program
- Morgan Lord, MSJ | The Impact of Improvisational Play in the Classroom
SparkTalks - Round 2
- Alexander Mankin, PhD | Antimicrobial Peptides from Honeybees and Fruit Flies Kill Pathogenic Bacteria through a Uniquely Peculiar Mechanism
- Jerry Krishnan, MD, PhD | Long COVID Care and Research
- Rebecca Singer, DNP, RN | Outbreak Response Team: Collaborating to Protect Our Community
- Daniel Morales-Doyle, PhD | Youth Participatory Science to Address Environmental Racism
- John Monaghan, PhD | The Center for the Recovery and Identification of the Missing
- Heather Prendergast, MD, MS, MHA, MBA | Transforming Health through the Lens of Health Equity
- Allison Bethel, JD | Who, What, When, Where and Why of the Fair Housing Legal Clinic
- Carrie Sandahl, PhD | Experience as Theory
- Barbara Di Eugenio, PhD | Engaging the Patient in Healthcare with Natural Language Processing
- Nebiyou Tilahun, PhD | Are Police Stops Racially Biased? Insights from Police Stops and Automated Citations in Chicago
- Naranjan Karnik, MD, PhD | Can Your iPhone be Your Personal Mental Health Support and Wellbeing Monitor?
- Anne George, PhD | Role of Proteins in Biomineralization of Bone and Teeth: Lessons from Nature
- Jeff Wilson, MBA | Community Engagement
- Mark Lockwood, PhD, MSN, RN | The Role of the Gut Microbiota in Pain Interference Before and After Kidney Transplantation: A Pilot Study
- Branden McLeod, PhD, MSW | How Social Policies and Systems Shape Fathers’ Involvement
- Robin Mermelstein, PhD | Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS)
- Rachel Havrelock, PhD | Elevating a New Generation of Climate Change Leaders
- Naoko Muramatsu, PhD | Center for Health Equity in Cognitive Aging (CHECA): Making the Invisible Visible
Watch the November 16 SparkTalks Presentations Heading link
Day-Of Logistics Heading link
Complimentary parking will be provided in Lot 1B (1139 West Harrison St.; across from the Credit Union 1 Arena).
Please pull a ticket upon entering and hand that same ticket to the cashier when exiting.
When guests arrive at the Student Services Building (SSB), signs and staff will be present to help individuals toward the check-in table.
All guests will be asked to check in and will be provided a copy of the event program.
CART captions will be provided. Should you require additional accommodations to participate, please contact
Mark Your Calendar for the Next SparkTalks: Heading link
Thursday, February 1, 2024 | 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. | Student Center East (SCE) Illinois Room
Questions or concerns? Please contact Judee Olechno,, or Tyler Nielsen,